Aleksander Teisseyre

Fellow Coach, Integral Coaching

Leadership and Management | Coaching, Wellness, Spirituality

Aleksander Teisseyre


Aleksander graduated from the University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, in Wroclaw, Poland, with a master’s degree in engineering. He moved to Australia and settled in Sydney. He worked in IT, electronics, and telecommunication companies, including IBM Australia. Later, he specialized in software development and opened my own small business. After years of technical work, he embarked on a major career change. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree (Psychology) from Macquarie University, Sydney and continued his studies in the areas of human development, psychotherapy, and leadership.

After returning to Poland in 2003, he worked as a trainer, coach, and psychotherapist. He designed and conducted training in stress management and soft skills for managers.

In 2009-2010 she studied coaching at Integral Coaching Canada, and received an Integral Master Coach™ certificate. In 2015, she was credentialed as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation.