Michelle Hallum

Female Empowerment Coach, Michelle Hallum Coaching

Leadership and Management | Coaching, Inspiring Women, Creativity

Michelle Hallum


Michelle, once navigating bewildering symptoms dismissed as mere depression by her doctor, faced fatigue, brain fog, aches, and unpredictable emotions. Despite professional knowledge, self-support proved challenging amid the facade of having it all together.

Discovering Perimenopause awakened a deeper self, clarifying her journey. This pivotal realization sparked her transformation. Educating herself and advocating for women's medical support in this transitional phase became her mission.

Today, Michelle passionately supports perimenopausal women through coaching and community building. Her aim? Empowering decisions regarding body, mind, and spirit. Recognizing the necessity of fulfillment in this phase, she offers bespoke coaching and group workshops, fostering support and deep connections.

Connect with Michelle and The Perimenopause Club for practical, emotional, and spiritual guidance through this transformative stage.