Alina Mirela Florea

Management Performance and Executive Coach, Alina Florea Coaching

Leadership and Management | Organisational Development, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

Alina Mirela Florea


Alina is an accomplished executive coach, who derives her effectiveness and influence from her extensive senior management background and prior engagement in strategic organizational endeavours. She has played pivotal roles in (1) shaping organizational functions and enhancing capabilities, (2) fostering a culture of achievement and cooperation, and (3) nurturing proficient senior, middle, and front-line leaders to form a harmonious, proficient team.

Transitioning to coaching in 2018, Alina blends her 20+ years of senior management experience and education (MSc, MBA, PMP). An accredited ICF coach (PCC), she's completed 1250+ hours of leadership coaching, comprehending challenges high-achieving leaders face in balancing expectations, short and long-term goals, and global demands.

Known for pragmatic strategies, Alina fosters awareness, fuels change, and embodies empathy, authenticity, and courage. Adapting to each client's reality, she supplements coaching with management case studies (if the case and required), tailors training, or uses coaching tools such as coaching constellations and positive intelligence.